Join us for our next industry webinar taking a look at the rise of the vitally important sector focused on non-human identities. NHIs have risen in both volume and variety in recent years – and with the combination of cloud migrations and hybrid deployments, have become a major attack vector for adversarial activity.
A lack of visibility often hampers organisational efforts to understand the breadth and depth of the issue. What types of NHIs exist? What systems are they present in? What permissions do they have? What “blast radius” or area of impact do they have? Are the credentials associated with them secure? Can they and are they being rotated?

Existing human-centric systems for authentication, authorization, governance and life cycle management are not designed for these types of problems. However the concepts learnt from 30 years of commercial people focused IAM should not go to waste. Identity risk management, governance and life cycle concepts can be re-used – if not altered in some way.

Our founder Simon Moffatt will be in conversation with Itzik Alvas CEO at Entro Security where they’ll be understanding the story behind the rise of NHI as a major priority for security and identity leaders – how they can get started and what the benefits of such a solution look like.

Register for the webinar today.