Each year a particular standard, component, model or approach within the identity and access management will be declared "dead" by expert commentators, startup vendors or just the bloke in the pub. As part of The Cyber Hut's Tuesday polls, I decided to test the water on this highly emotive topic before the Christmas holidays for our last poll of 2022.
I wanted to wrap up 2022, with an anecdotal look at some of the key facts and figures that made up the bulk of The Cyber Hut's interactions, research and community engagement over the past year. It has been a great year professionally and personally, yet parts of the world are still being ravaged by the pandemic, conflict, economic turmoil and the cost of living crisis. Hopefully 2023 can start to stabilise some of those broader problems we will undoubtedly all feel in the coming months. I want to take a retrospective look back at 2022 in numbers, adding in a few stories and comments as I go. I hope you enjoy it and thank you to all of the global identity and access management community who have engaged with The Cyber Hut over the past 12 months.
Two weeks ago we ran another of our LinkedIn polls, querying the cyber, identity and access management community around a perennial question the industry has yet to consistently provide an answer for - in both user behaviour and technical solutions - "would you pay for privacy?".
Zero Trust has been with us for the best part of a decade - since the likes of the Jericho Forum, Google's Beyond Corp and ex-Forrester analyst John Kindervag have all promoted a view of moving the concept of "trust" from a location to a concept based on the identity, device and associated context. Version 2.0 of the US Department of Defence Zero Trust Reference Architecture has been cleared for public release and is a good, detailed read regarding an actual migration and implementation model. The document is available here.
This week saw the FIDO Authenticate conference take place in Seatle. I attended via the virtual remote route, going through the vast majority of the sessions from the comfort of the office. A few items that stood out for me.
Our latest LinkedIn poll on September 27th was focused on understanding the role and impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) technology on the general identity and access management industry.
In the last 3 years or so, we have seen huge interest in the need to improve authentication techniques, that deliver a passwordless MFA experience. What is stopping adoption?
Expert independent industry opinion.What you need, when you need it. CISO Briefing Inquiry services provide an expert voice for a range of projects. Whether you are a looking to engage a vendor and design an RFP, perform a maturity assessment for an existing identity and access management investment or enable a team on market technologies, the CISO […]
Security starts when authentication ends. It's a line I have used a few times over the years as it is one I actually quite believe in. In an era where firewalls are derided as being pretty toothless in the fight against omnipresent complex cyber attacks - and the concept of trusted networks quite rightly become obsolete in the world of "zero trust" - it always seemed odd to me, to put such a large emphasis on stringent authentication services. Clearly authentication is hugely important don't misunderstand, but my point really was that authentication (even with a strong MFA component) becomes less relevant if a) it is not continuous and b) not part of a more holistic approach focused on the access control of services, data and APIs.
Trust within the identity world is a huge priority. Trust regarding the on-boarding and registration of external users via proofing (think assurance levels using identity validation and verification techniques) right through to creating trust labels for employees in order to monitor for malicious activity - that is either driven by external threat actors, insider threat or just unintentional bad user behaviour.