Our founder Simon Moffatt will be presenting at this years Gartner Identity and Access Management London event 24th – 25th March.

He will be presenting Executive Story: IAM at 2035: A Future Guide to Identity Centric Security on Monday, 24 March, 2025 / 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM GMT. His talk is based on content from his up and coming book: IAM at 2035 where he takes a look what technologies will be needed to secure out identities, apply attribution and improve intent monitoring for the next decade.
In his talk at Gartner, Simon will set the stage with a look back at where identity was, where it is now and what future business problems will need solving in the coming decade. From there he will dissect some interesting innovations that are starting to take shape and the impact they will have.

There will also be chance to pre-register for early release of his book.
He will be around for meetings Monday and Tuesday during the event. Reach out to arrange a meeting.