Join Simon Moffatt, Founder & Analyst of The Cyber Hut and Gal Steinberg, VP of Product at Keyless on March 29th where they’ll be discussing the growing need for friction-free authentication in the light of growing regulation and fintech innovation.
They’ll be discussing how the rise of consumer identity is creating new requirements in the authentication space. As organisations progress through their digital journey, respond to external compliance challenges such as the Payment Services Directive II and support new “challenger bank” and eCommerce business models, authentication becomes an increasingly important role for both customer engagement and contextual security.
Authentication is the pinch-point of many user to application interactions and is continuing evolving. Simon and Gal will discuss this evolutionary journey identifying historical and current weaknesses with existing authentication approaches.
When thinking of credential management systems as a holistic life cycle, the respond and recover aspects are often under-invested, resulting in a lack of end user self-sufficiency and a poor experience.

What can be done to improve these stages? What impact does that have on the security and usability of the consumer identity authentication journey?

Watch the on demand webinar here.