Passwordless authentication is often described as improving both the usability and security aspects of both the employee and customer identity journeys. Many approaches to passwordless have emerged over the last 5 years - including hardware, software, biometric and standards based initiatives.
In November 2021, The Cyber Hut released a 61 page buyer guide for passwordless authentication, describing the vendor capabilities, requirements, integration options, B2E and B2C use cases and planning recommendations for migration.
A brief snapshot of questions to consider, when engaging software based solution providers in this space is described here.
Even as many organisations are moving to a "cloud first" strategy for the consumption of new applications and services, the cloud line is blurred. Not all services can be consumed in a pure cloud setting, and not all "clouds" are the same.
Any analysis in the popularity, options or strategy with respect to IAM deployment should be firmly based against a set of basic definitions.
When on briefings and inquiry workshops there are often emerging themes that start to spring up repeatedly. Perhaps every few months, perhaps under different projects, using different terms and stories and perhaps from unexpected people or teams.
There has been one theme over the past 12 months or so that is difficult to ignore: not only how identity based security has left-shifted into the thinking of information leaders to being a first-class citizen in the technology arsenal, but how identity is moving into a new territory. The territory of autonomy.